The field of potential candidates for U.S. Senator from Arkansas is starting to fill up and Republicans are looking to unseat Senator Lincoln. Tonight the Miller County Republican Committee heard from one of the, possibly nine, potential Republicans preparing to run against the incumbent Senator. Curtis Coleman made the trip from Little Rock to Texarkana to share his vision for the state’s next U.S. Senator. His vision is simple. He wants to ensure that future generations do not carry the burden of our current tremendous growth in the national deficit.
Mr. Coleman presented a clear message that outlined his business experience, his faith, and his views on the current Health Care Reform that he called “non-specific by design.” Coleman went on to explain that should the current reform being proposed pass, then Americans would be faced with a health care system where choice of services is left entirely up to a branch of the government. This would basically mean “the government might decide you are too old for a hip replacement, or that you are too old to fight cancer,” said Mr. Coleman.
Mr. Coleman also reminded the group “when there is a increase in taxes, there is a decrease in personal liberties.” He feels strongly that the government cannot continue the current trend of building the deficit without increasing taxes. These taxes, as many would agree with Mr. Coleman, will not be on just those deemed by the current administration as rich, but these new and increased taxes will fall to everyone in America. To further the potential problem, these taxes will have to be carried for several generations before they will fully pay the national debt. Mr. Coleman is against increasing the national debt and against raising taxes.
After a short speech, Mr. Coleman entertained questions from the committee members present. He answered questions directly and avoided the “political dance” that many career politicians use. Mr. Coleman apparently learned from his business that you have to be direct with people and you have to be honest, or they won’t come back. Another thing Mr. Coleman learned from his business was the all too familiar problem of working with different government entities. He pointed out to the committee that he had to deal with seventeen different food safety agencies through his business. This alone puts Mr. Coleman in a unique position to understand how we feel when we’re given just one or two government agencies to deal with. As a U.S. Senator, Mr. Coleman wants to reign in much of the wastefulness of those government agencies and focus on health care reform that is not “non-specific” for the American people while reducing the national debt and avoiding increased new taxes that will affect future generations.
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