Curtis Coleman is exploring. He’s not heading to the moon or out west; rather he is exploring the possibility of a run for the U.S. Senate. It’s not just any seat that he’s eyeing. He’s looking into taking on Blanche Lincoln who has been entrenched in her current seat since her election in November 1998. For years she has held this seat with little opposition and has rode on her claim to fame as being the youngest woman elected to the United States Senate (a point she makes in her bio section at http://lincoln.senate.gov/). So what mode of attack can Mr. Coleman employ as he “explores” a run for the Senate? The answer is simple, the Internet.
Mr. Coleman is just about everywhere on the Internet. When Mrs. Lincoln first ran for office, little thought was given to an Internet campaign. Mr. Coleman on the other hand seems to have embraced the use of the Internet as if it is the main gun in his arsenal to take down the entrenched Senator. Consequently, I first learned about the Coleman campaign from the “Coleman for Senate Exploratory Committee” site (http://www.curtiscoleman.com/). This site opens with an exceptional video introduction by Mr. Coleman himself. He magically strolls across your open browser, introduces himself, and introduces you to his campaign. The site goes on to feature his views, what he stands for, a review of his family, his work history, and naturally ways to “join the team.” The site is impressive for an “exploratory” site.
But wait! Much like the pitch salesman, there is more. Mr. Coleman is not sitting still with his well tailored website. You can also follow him on Facebook and Twitter. There’s even a group on Facebook for Coleman supporters. On the Twitter site, Coleman has posted links to his extensive written works about our current state of government affairs and even a post welcoming a new grandchild into the world. As a result of the use of Facebook and Twitter, I have received a couple of notes from Mr. Coleman in regards to the local Miller County Republican Committee and mutual friends. He has been open, direct, and quick to respond to any questions I've had.
I’m not going to try to detract from Mrs. Lincoln in this post. Mrs. Lincoln is a Democrat and she has served Arkansas in the Senate. To be honest, I have agreed with some of her votes and disagreed with others. This is a trait common for any elected official, but I have never felt an outreach from Mrs. Lincoln. Sure, she will shake my hand, ask for my vote (and money), and smile at the camera, but she has never reached out to me by snail mail (you know, U.S. Post Office) or by the Internet. Mr. Coleman is raising the bar. He is reaching out to people who reach to him. He’s filling a void often felt by voters when politicians seem uninterested in anything except a vote. He’s blogging, he’s using Facebook, he’s sending messages through Twitter, and he’s listening to people. In the age of Internet, we need leaders who are willing to reach out to the voters using current technology and Mr. Coleman has found that outlet.
What can I say, as a result of Mr. Coleman’s brilliant use of the Internet, I found out more information about him, his campaign, where he stands, and mutual friends we both know. Had it not been for this personal touch and use of the Internet for direct, fast communication, it’s likely I would have seen a sign somewhere asking me to vote for Curtis Coleman, and I would have wondered just who Curtis Coleman is and what he means to me way down in Texarkana.
Curtis Coleman's site
Curtis Coleman on Twitter
Curtis Coleman on Facebook
Curtis Coleman on Blogspot
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