Jun 21, 2019

Nadler Not

"Ms. Hope Hicks"

If you are to believe the statements made by Democrats, then you will think that all Republicans are “anti-women”, “wanting to control women,” and “have no respect for women.”  That is the propaganda that Democrats have pushed, promoted and advertised to the hilt from the Washington all the way down to counties and cities across the nation.  Respect for women, after all, and according to the Democrats, is the cornerstone of their party…if you believe their outright lies and propaganda.  If on the other hand, you look at the number of Republican women in power from the county level, up through the states and even in the White House, you’ll find Republicans not only support and encourage women, Republicans elect and promote women at astonishingly high rates.  Don’t believe it, or want proof…look no further than yesterday’s hearings.

Hope Hicks, often referred to as Ms. Hicks, testified before Democrat-controlled House Judiciary Committee or perhaps a better name would be “The Tax Payer Funded, Democrat-Centered Witch Hunt Arm of the United States Government,” but hey, to each his own right?  Anyway, Ms. Hicks went to testify about God only knows what, because most of us could not get past the fact that Representative Jerry Nadler seemed to be living in some sort of Twilight Zone episode of “Dazed and Confused” as he referred to Ms. Hicks not once, but three times, as “Ms. Lewandowski.”    Now apparently Ms. Hicks may have known, dated, or went out with Mr. Lewandowski, but let’s be perfectly clear here – if Representative Nadler was “dazed and confused,” and thought that perhaps Ms. Hicks had married Lewandowski, wouldn’t he have referred to her as “Mrs. Lewandowski” instead of “Ms.”? 

As the day went by and upon the third time that Representative Nadler called Ms. Hicks by the wrong name, she finally corrected him and said, “My name is Ms. Hicks”.  Now let’s be perfectly clear about one thing…Mr. Nadler is not stupid.  He knew who was going to testify (He had papers with names on them right in front of him), his remark later of “I made a mistake” is just a blatant lie to cover up to his remarks.  Nadler knew perfectly well that Ms. Hicks was not Ms. Lewandowski. 

Hope Hicks, a Republican woman, was the White House Communications Director before the age of 30, she is an executive at a major media corporation, and she  is a graduate of Southern Methodist University.  Ms. Hicks (see I know her name) rose up through the Trump campaign to become press secretary and eventually the Communications Director for the Trump 2016 Campaign.  In simple terms, Ms. Hicks is a shining example of a young Republican woman on the rise in America, and that is something Jerry Nadler does not like –

Jerry Nadler did nothing less than assume a sexist and male chauvinistic role by calling Ms. Hicks the wrong name.  He implied that she was someone else first, that her name was not important, and that her positions were not important enough for him to call her by her right name.  However, more importantly, and so much in the face of the Democrat “Pro-Women” lies, Nadler belittled Ms. Hicks as a witness, as a woman, as a professional, and as a citizen.  Jerry Nadler showed that he thinks very little of women by his sexist and chauvinistic actions and that he has outright disregard for something as simple as calling Ms. Hicks by her name. 

Jerry Nadler immediately was hit with social media.  Not surprisingly, he was called names from “Sexist” to “Fat and Nasty” and some others that simply should not be repeated here.  Nadler tried to play it off as a mistake….no, Representative Nadler, it was no mistake.  You disrespected a witness before your committee, and perhaps more telling, you showed your true views and the views of the party you represent.  So, the next time someone tells you how supportive of women the Democrat Party is, maybe you should simply respond with “Nadler Not.”

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