Jan 16, 2015

Democrats v Republicans: Get Over It! The Elections Are Over!

Fox News is reporting today that Obama plans to stay on the offenses with Republicans (Fox News).  Really?  I mean really?  With the new Congress now controlled by Republicans - Republicans voted in by the majority of Americans who are fed up with Obama and his policies- those Democrats remaining are scampering around to work with Republicans.  Suddenly there is bi-partisan bills being put together, talks, discussions on compromise.  Granted, these same Democrats had little time for that during their control period, but they now appear to have at least seen the error of their ways....or more likely heard the pounding of a herd of Republican candidates in the future backed by Republicans, Independents and Democrats who are tired of this attitude of no cooperation.

Now, let's take a moment to break this down and give a little direction to Washington from the people who put them there....us.  Here's a simple way to handle things:

1.  President Obama - get over it!  Your party lost because your party failed to work for the American people and only worked for your agenda that was often overwhelmingly opposed by Democrat and Republican voters.  The end result is your own Democrat voters sent a lot of Democrats in Washington home.  It's time to stop talking about "Us" and "Them" and using words like "going on the offense with Republicans."  We are Americans.  We want you in Washington regardless of party to work together.  If you don't want to do that, then maybe you can spend two years as a lame duck and we'll get a President the nation can believe in again.  It's simple....move on Mr. President.

2.  Democrats still in Washington - No, we remember how high and mighty you were while your party controlled things....by the way, thank you for that Obamacare crap you passed without reading it- brilliant move there folks.  But, even though we remember how you treated us Republicans, we want what is best for the nation.  Glad to see you're willing to work together now to save your future election campaigns.  Act nice and you might get back more of your Democrat voters and who knows, act really nice, and you might earn a few Republican voters next go around too.  We just want you to work together now.

3.  Republicans in Washington - some of you men and women are new - congratulations.  Some of you all are old - congratulations for getting to stay.  Now, work for America.  Forget what the President is saying about being on the "offense" or even your preparations to be on the "defense".  The only thing anyone in Washington should be doing is defending the interest of the United States and of the people who live there.  We don't want to hear a lot of "Us" and "Them" and how we're going to get them now that we're here.  Get out there and work.  If you do that, you will have new Republican opposition next go around, you'll lose the Democrats who currently support and voted for you, and you'll likely end up facing a strong Democrat opponent.  The choice is yours.  Rise above the fray of Washington as usual, or be prepared for a short time out of your home state.

Jan 13, 2015

The World Unites Against Terrorism

The world is uniting against terrorism....again.  The front page of USA Today, The Wall Street Journal and others carry headlines similar with pictures.  France, Germany, Israel, Palestinian leaders, Russia, the Ukraine,  and over forty other world leaders filled the streets of Paris shouting "Je suis Charlie".  Not only did the protest pay respect to the victims of the terrorist attacks, it showed over forty counties around the world sending representatives to Paris in unity.  This unity included some nations not so friendly toward each other, but who shared a common theme against terrorism.

The demonstration echoed other demonstrations held around the world when the United States was attacked on September 11th.  Nations put their flags at half mass, nations who disliked America sent messages of hope, nations we supported in turn supported us.  Terrorism is a powerful weapon, and what it has proven in the last twenty years is that we as a world will unite against it.  After September 11th, President Bush issued this stern statement to the world, "You are either with us or you are against us."  It was simple, it was direct, and it was correct.  The message sent back then, is the same that is being sent from Paris now.  You either support terrorism, or you support those who are against it.  It does not matter whether you hate the nation attacked, whether you have been on trade disagreements for years, or whether that nation is a former or even a current enemy, when it comes to terrorism, you condemn it regardless of the nation that receives the attack.  The world can be proud that so many, more than forty, world leaders chose to send representatives,  or come themselves. 

You might be wondering why on the eve of the inauguration of a new governor in Arkansas, a new Republican governor, this blog would be looking instead at the events half way around the world.  It's easy, the time is right.  Large and small presses alike must speak up about a major problem with the unity against terrorism.  Large and small presses in the United States in particular need to speak up because it's an important issue.  The important issue?  Not one single representative from the White House attended the march.  Yes, the very nations who stood united with the United States back on September 11th did not see any representation at a rally against the terrorist attacks in their own country.  So important was this failure that USA Today even ran a side article that asked, "Who Represented The United States?"  The answer, nobody.  

Well, one thing is for sure and the world needs to know this.....not everyone in the United States likes the fact that we failed to send representation to this important event.  Our failed President may yet again have shown his true nature to the people and to the world, but not all Americans feel the same.  Today in the United States, no flags may be ordered at half mass, inaugurations are going on in Little Rock and other cities around the country, and it seems to be business as usual....but many, such as the writer of this blog, proudly say to France, there are those standing with you here in the United States.  Yes, leaders may fail, but the greatest nation of all time, for the people and by the people has not failed.  Today we say to France and the world, "Je suis Charlie"

Update:  1-16-15.  A report at Confessions of a Closet Republican  notes that the U.S. Ambassador to France did attend the march.  It would have been nice, however, for the the President to have sent someone with a higher profile to the event.  After all, the Ambassador was already there...hence the title "Ambassador to France".