For the last forty-five (45) years Republicans have failed to thrive as the party for the people. A good number of voters view the Republican party as a "Grand Old Party of White Guys" wanting to make rules. Democrats from LBJ forward have spent their entire careers trying to throw a picture of Republicans as a bunch of elite, rich white people trying to control the world. The fact is, most Republicans are not the typical rich white guys that Democrats would have you believe them to be. They are Christians, African-Americans, Hispanics, Caucasians, Asians, Jews, etc. The Republican party still has a strong support system of multi-culture backgrounds, multi-belief backgrounds, etc. This is not what the Democrats would have you believe.
Democrats for 45 years have worked to portray Republicans in a negative light. In just the last eight years alone, Democrats have pounced on the idea that Republicans are all racist because they do not like Obama's policies. Unfortunately, the Republican party continues to allow the Democrats to get away with this to a point where an overwhelming majority of African-American voters now vote Democrat (Reference). African-American voters, Hispanic Voters, and Women Voters are being led to believe that Republicans are racist, against immigration, and against women's rights. Far too long Republicans have allowed these lies to go unanswered in the hope that the American voter would know differently; however, propaganda machines have proven time-and-time again that people will eventually believe the propaganda machine. The facts simply do not support the Democrat's claims.
Here's a short look at history to remind the voter:
1. The Republican Party was founded in 1854 as an anti-slavery party. The goal was to free African-American slaves in the United States (Reference)
2. Democrats voted to overturn the Missouri Compromise and allow slavery to spread (Reference)
3. Democrats voted in fugitive slave laws to punish slaves for trying to seek freedom (Reference)
4 In 1870, every Republican in Congress voted to give freed slaves the right to vote. All Democrats in Congress opposed it and voted against it (Reference)
5. Only 64% of Democrats supported Civil Rights in the 1960s. 80% of the Republicans supported Civil Rights (Reference)
6. After the Civil War 23 African-Americans were elected to Congress. All were Republicans (Reference)
7. A Republican from California introduced the bill to support women's rights followed by strong Republican support (Reference)
8. The first Hispanic to serve on a Presidential cabinet served for Republican(s) Reagan and Bush, Sr. (Reference)
9. The first African-Americans (man and woman) to serve as Secretary of State, served under Republican Presidents (Reference)
10. In 1957, a Democrat Governor in Arkansas blocked African-American children from attending school by using the Arkansas National Guard. The President sent the United States Army and activated the Arkansas Guard to active duty (placing them under U.S. Army command). A Republican President (Ike) took these actions on behalf of African-American children (Reference)
As any voter can see, the Democrat Party has worked to lie, steal and remove the references to the party of the people and for the people. Republicans have always stood up for individual rights, women's rights, and the rights of minorities. It's time to remind America and the voting public exactly who Republicans are. The Democrats have worked 45 years off of Lyndon Johnson's famous quotes (please excuse Mr. Johnson's use of horrible language below):
I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.” —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -
“These Negroes, they’re getting pretty uppity these days and that’s a problem for us since they’ve got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we’ve got to do something about this, we’ve got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference.”—LBJ(Reference1) (Reference2) (Reference3)
The Democratic Party has ran with the lies long enough. Republicans must now step up and embrace the truth and embrace the future. Republicans must learn their history and use it for the future. If Republicans do not do this, then more elections will be lost.
The last two Presidential elections for Republicans have had something interesting in common. They have both seen candidates for President viewed by the general public as rich, Caucasian, big government leaders running on the ticket. McCain was viewed as the long-standing, rich Republican war hero. Romney is the rich, former governor Republican. Both of these men were Caucasian and both picked running mates who were viewed as rich, caucasian, long-standing government types from the north. Although, McCain did select a woman to run which seemed to enhance his chances a little it did little for his effort since he continued to maintain his persona in the public eye. Democrats were quick to try and make McCain's running mate look in competent. In the meantime, the Democrats have run an African-American and a Caucasian for office. Only one of the candidates on the Democrats ticket was viewed as "long-standing government" and that was the running mate. The Democrats have capitalized on presenting an "everyday normal guy" for the office of President. Bill Clinton was viewed as the everyday normal guy as has been Obama. Voters at large have thought these two leaders (both rich by the way) were better than the Republican alternatives. The fact is Republicans must remember who we are once again. We have to reach out to the minority, we have to reach out to the person being persecuted by their government, and we have to reach out to average, everyday person to run for President. We need a candidate that women, African-Americans, and Hispanics can relate to on a daily basis. As long as we present candidates who cautiously ease out of their mansion driveways to run for the office, the Democrats will continue to promote their "everyday" man or woman all the way to the office of President.
In all honesty, Republicans need someone considered an average person, or persons, to run for office. It's time that Republicans have someone like Condoleezza Rice, or Mike Huckabee, or Nikki Haley, or Dr. Ben Carson step up and run for the office. Hard working, legal immigrants, former slaves, men, and women built this nation. Democrats did not build it and in fact by their voting history they have worked to keep hard working, legal immigrants, former slaves, men and women down so that they could hold office. When Democrats were no longer able to promote physical slavery, they resorted to economic slavery and have spent the last 45 years putting everyone into the status of economic slave. Along the way there have been many Republicans who have stood in the Democrat's way. It's almost 2016, and it is time again for a Republican who is one of the many and not the few to rise up, run for the office, and take back the Presidency of the United States for the people. We must remember, this is a government for the people and by the people. It is not a government for the Democrats and the lies they have portrayed as truths for far too long. 45 years is enough Mr. Johnson, we will take back the American Dream and put in the hands of the people again.
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