Aug 13, 2011

Ronald Reagan's Approach to Economic Recovery

Reagan meeting press: picture
Today is an exciting day for U.S. History and Republicans.  Thirty years ago in 1981, Ronald Reagan signed the largest tax cut in U.S. History.  America was in an economic slump, gas prices were out of sight, unemployment was up, and the country was on the verge of another depression. 

At his ranch in California, President Reagan sat down at an outside table with two simple microphones attached.  He wore the clothing of the common man at the time.  He did not wear the traditional suit and tie so often associated with a Presidential signing, but instead he decided to connect with America.  He wore a denim jacket, a button down shirt, and jeans.  He decided not to sign the tax cut at the White House amidst the fanfare and politics of Washington, but instead he signed it at a small ranch.  He signed it at what he considered to be “home”.  That day, Reagan stood out not as the President of the United States, but instead as one of the people.  He stood out as a man united with the nation.  It was clear that August day in 1981, that the nation was not a “You and me,” but rather a “We” and we were going forward together.

That largest tax cut was called the Economic Recovery Tax Act.  While some have argued that it propelled the country into owing trillions of dollars and hurt the U.S. standing on the global economic field, there is no denying that at home it launched a revolution.  People went back to work, the United States became “United” again, and it was clear we were in this together.  Our President was standing for us, but more importantly, he was standing “with” us.  The United States was propelled by Reagan’s common man approach, his willingness to stand with us, and the tax cuts into the largest economic rise in the history of the United States. 

How many worked to put up this sign?
While today is a day to remember what Reagan did thirty years ago, it is also a day to look to the future.  As Republicans and the nation lunge toward the Presidential race once again, we must seek that candidate who will stand with us.   President Obama’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, has failed to launch the U.S. economy.  Across the nation faded signs proclaim Obama’s economic stimulus with the words “Putting America to work” in front of empty fields where no Americans are working.  America must push a candidate who is one of the people, standing with the people, into the White House again. 

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