Jan 26, 2021

Impeaching Trump 2.0

Regardless of how you feel about President Trump, there is a looming question that must be considered - Can Congress impeach a private citizen?  Only being a layperson reading the Constitution, I can not give a legal opinion; however, I certainly can give an opinion, and that opinion is...No.  

Article II, Section 4 of the Constitution states: 

"The President, Vice President and all civil officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for , and Conviction of , Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors"

Again, stressing this is my opinion, but looking at Donald J. Trump on February 9 in the Senate raises one major problem for all Senators....Trump is not the President, Vice President, or a civil office holder of the United States.  Simply put, Trump is a private citizen.  The Constitution did not and does not at any point provide a legal avenue to "Impeach" a private citizen.  

The fact that impeachment proceedings started while Trump was in office also has to be reviewed.  There might be a slim chance that someone could argue that the impeachment did start while Trump was President; however, the Articles of Impeachment were not sent to the Senate from the House until January 25...five days after Trump was a private citizen.  That effectively means the House did not deliver impeachment proceedings per the Constitution within the timeframe of his service as President.  

The new question becomes why impeach Trump at all?  Or perhaps more specifically, why spend millions of the taxpayer's dollars to impeach a private citizen who lost the election?  The answer is easy...2024.  Democrats in Washington fear the Trump political machine.  They know that if he returns in 2024, especially if they have a failed Democrat President, the election could suddenly go Trump's way for a second term as President.   From the very start with Trump's election victory in 2016 to now, Democrats have hated Trump with such a passion that they will do anything to "Get Trump."  Impeachment 2.0 is just the last-ditch effort to ensure Trump is never able to return to the office.  

Ultimately Democrats will waste millions of your tax dollars on the impeachment of a private citizen.  Trump's history is clear...he will fight the impeachment all the way to the SCOTUS.  If I was placing bets, simply based on the language of impeachment, I would put my money on Trump winning.  

Democrats on the hunt have failed to consider two important things.  First, if the impeachment is allowed to go through and becomes an accepted interpretation of the Constitution, then that opens the door to impeach Obama, Clinton, Carter, Bush, and anyone who has ever served in the capacity of a civil office of the United States.   Consequently, this would also include former Congressional members.  The House and Senate could simply impeach people based entirely on political views and based on which party has control, which is a hazardous prospect and akin to something you find in third world countries or in the past with such places as Nazi Germany.   

The second thing Democrats have failed to consider is a wise old saying.  When you grow up going into the woods and spending time in nature, you will sometimes hear neat little folk-type sayings.  One of those sayings is, "Never poke a bear."  The implication is that poking a bear will provoke it to strike back, and a bear's strike can be deadly.  Instead of letting Trump go into the sunset and plan his future, Democrats have decided to "Poke the bear."  Trump is a big bear with a huge following of supporters, and you can rest assured that since they have decided to poke him...he will be free to focus all his efforts on striking back politically. 

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