Oct 24, 2020

Biden's "Dark Winter" Overshadows Hope in Last Debate

If you watched the debate, you are likely to have noticed that former Vice-President Joe Biden made at least a couple of references to COVID-19, causing a "Dark Winter."  Like many Americas, I initially thought very little of this reference, but then it began to pop up all over the Internet.  What becomes even more alarming about the comments is it actually references a government operation from 2001, a time Biden was very much involved with the government.  

Dark Winter was said to be conducted in 2001 from June 22-23.  The operation was a practice or mock exercise in the "What if" preparation for a pandemic of a smallpox attack on the United States.  The bottom line is that the operation was designed for practicing what might happen in the event of a pandemic attack of any kind on the United States.  Several private institutions such as John Hopkins Medical and others participated in the exercise and provided reports, statistics, and feedback to the government.  

While we certainly do not want to fall into a conspiracy theory group here at Texarkana GOP, the fact that Biden chose these words indicates that he expects one outcome.  Biden was trying to imply that more people than expected will die from COVID-19.  One thing is certain, the public can easily search "Dark Winter" and see the experiment information for themselves.  Biden seemed set to use fear, death, and disaster as the cornerstone of his campaign.  The message was clear, "Vote for me, or you're facing death and destruction."  

Fortunately, President Trump has had a clear and decisive plan all along.   When Joe Biden was yelling that President Trump was promoting fear, Trump was closing travel, setting plans in motion, having teams study the virus, and keeping the American people informed.  President Trump said many times that the deaths were projected to be over two million and that "One death from the China virus is too many."  

President Trump loves this country; he loves the people.  He did not set a "fear" and "destruction" rule for the day or promote it to the American people.  Instead, he promoted a response, unity, help, working together, and calm that Biden seems to lack.  President Trump did not yell, "Dark Winter." No, President Trump did what great leaders have always done...he promoted hope.  

A Democrat President during the darkest hours the United States faced during the Great Depression when people were starving, hurting, and crying out for help,  said to the American people, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."  That President projected calm, a plan, and pushed forward...America survived.  President Trump is following in those footsteps of great Presidents...he is projecting calm and reassurance.  

Remember, President Trump himself has faced the enemy and won.  COVID-19 struck at the leader of the nation, and he bounced back.  In the middle of continued attacks from Democrats, the loss of his brother, a full-blown political campaign, rebuilding a country, and trying to help people, Trump faced one of the deadliest pandemics we have seen in a century.  Like he has encouraged us, he faced it unafraid and overcame it.  

Joe Biden wants you to vote out of fear of a "Dark Winter."  President Trump wants you to vote out of confidence in the American Spirit.  I will always side with the fight, confidence, and burning spirit of the American people over the cowardly fear that would promote the horrors of a "Dark Winter." 


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