Campaign headquarters across the nation have been reporting a run on Trump signs. People are getting signs left and right. While most people simply visit a local headquarters, make a small donation, and obtain a sign, others are so desperate that they are stealing them from yards.
To those stealing Trump signs, we want to reach out to you. You do not have to get down to the low level of a thief. If you require Trump signs, we will help you obtain them. There's no need to steal them. While we need donations to keep headquarters moving and to pay for signs, we will gladly work with anyone unable to donate and wanting a sign. Please just drop by your local Republican headquarters - we are everywhere - and explain your situation to the people working there. I assure you, they will understand your need and work with you so that you, too, can have a Trump sign in your yard.
As for those of us having signs walk away with desperate, fellow supporters, take heart. There are answers for us as well. You do have options. Now, keeping in mind this is NOT legal advice, but simply a guide as to what I would do. If it was me, I would take the following actions:
1. Do not under any circumstance set up a trap for your sign. This could hurt someone, cause you potential legal trouble, and it's simply wrong. I know it's funny when the guy on Facebook grabs the Trump sign that has been electrified, shakes, and falls out in the yard, but that was, in my opinion, a homeowner asking for legal troubles. Just put your sign out with no traps.
2. Consider a camera. You can get a wildlife camera or some other camera and catch these fellow Trump supporters in the act of "getting your sign for themselves." If a fellow Trump supporter sees a camera watching, he or she will not try to take the sign. A camera can provide video proof as well as serve as a reminder.
3. You can report the theft to the police. In some cases, when the police find the Trump signs, you can then pick them up and place them back in your yard. A police call naturally causes a police report, etc., so that is a choice you'll have to make regarding a sign.
4. Finally, you can make sure that the area where your sign is placed is in the light. Put it under a motion detector light or closer to the house where a porch light will shine on it.
Yes, Trump signs are in high demand. We need to do all we can to help these folks seeking a sign to obtain them. A few weeks ago, I even saw an additional sign on a yard. It read, "Trump Supporters, Please Do Not Steal My Sign - Knock on the Door, and I will get you one!"
So, to all the Trump supporters out there - those with signs and those seeking signs - have a fantastic day!
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