For the 2022 election cycle, Miller county, Arkansas, already has a Republican dominance, and the first vote has not even been cast yet. In 2018, Miller county saw 27 Republicans take office at the end of the election cycle. In 2020, the number of Republicans in Miller County increased by one for a total of 28 Republicans in office. Before the election has even started, 21 Republicans are already guaranteed positions this year.
The county has 34 elected positions, from Constable to State Senator and State Representative. Currently, 21 Republicans have no opponents. There are 6 positions with a Republican Primary race. This means that the 21 Republicans will be joined by six additional people on the primary night. Therefore, there will be 27 Republicans secure in their positions on the primary night with no opposition.
Only two Justice of the Peace (JP) Races have challengers to the Republican position. JP 1 will see Republican John Wilson facing off with an Independent. JP 4 will see Republican Ethan Eppinette facing a Democrat challenger. On the county level, there is currently only one Democrat on the ballot, and he is running for JP 4.
State Representatives Carol Dalby, Danny Watson, and Lane Jean will all be secure in their Republican nominations, but they will face Libertarian opponents in the general election. In addition, state Senator Jimmy Hickey will face an independent in the general election.
Based on current projections, only two races present a viable challenge to the Republican Party, JP 1 and JP 4. If Republicans can secure these two positions, Miller County could see a county with 34 Republicans in office starting on January 1, 2023. While there are no guarantees in politics, it certainly looks like the county will have a Republican-controlled government into the foreseeable future.
For more information and candidates, see the Miller County Election Cycle
To learn more about the Miller County Republican Committee, visit the Miller County Republican Committee